Tuesday, May 31, 2022
对小陈“有關文章《吾師顏紫元》澄清事實”一文的回复 颜紫元 2008.11
对小陈“有關文章《吾師顏紫元》澄清事實”一文的回复 颜紫元 2008.11
我对台湾民主政体的认同与向往,并不意味台湾一切都好。我多位武学老师中也有一位出现过问题的老师,山西祁县阎漫村的阎龙昌老师就很令人遗憾。他本质不坏 ,只是小农意识强,太想、也太急于要发财。他是我十多位武学老师中唯一一位经常在电话里哭、在我面前流泪说家里怎么穷,以致于他办他母亲丧事、造新房子、女儿出嫁等都是我资助的大部分款,还给他每月寄生活费。我跟阎老师学戴氏心意六合拳,07年他再要来新西兰我这里,并且还恳请我出资让他把他妻子也带来,我没有忍心拒绝他,就办了。白天我忙上班,就让两位没有工作的弟子:来自台湾的陈鼎文(他那时递帖拜在我门下已经随我练心意六合拳及吴氏太极七整年了)及一位当地的Jon 白天陪阎游玩,未料阎不顾传统规矩,竟然瞒着我在我背后收小陈与Jon为徒。我发现后曾严厉质问阎及小陈及Jon ,并与他们断绝关系。于是不久在台湾的网站痞客邦PINET上出现一篇小陈对他多年前写的、并流传在网络上的序文“吾师颜紫元“进行所谓的“澄清”。很滑稽的是,小陈跟我学了七年戴氏心意六合拳,他却说他的该拳与我没有关系,是才遇到两、三月的阎龙昌教的;那位我本不愿收为弟子的Jon, 原先也练空手道、巴西柔术,然后也跟我练了十多年,小陈也居然称其戴氏心意拳与本人无关,其人品可见一斑。小陈说那些我交过手的人他没有亲自见,是他拜我为师以前发生的事情。这也太无知了,既然在他拜我为师以前发生的事情,是我口述给他的,他怎么能亲眼看过?没有一点逻辑。交手人的名字是我加上去的,为了是读者可向当事人查实,而非莫须有的人与事。他说序中是学生对老师的美言,可他在拜我为师前已经在台湾获有四条黑带,拜师前也特意切磋过(见小陈序文描述),并非是个武盲,如果学了七年及十多年以后才发现错了,那么那智商也成问题了。小陈、Jon及阎在我断绝与他们的关系后,即抛出“澄清”的文章,而我看到后随即在痞客邦上进行驳斥,却几次回复都被删除,可见小陈的心虚。而痞客邦也拒绝载本人的回复文。可见台湾也有不少龌龊小人、网站!
我当年经过查询、实地考证后写了一篇关于孙禄堂真实生平的文章,结果孙的徒子徒孙就疯了。一位上海的拿着一份所谓的声明到处请人签字….声明,即“上海武術界同仁對顏紫元造謠誹謗事件的聲明”,小陈也附在其“澄清”文下,来为他自己龌龊行为的心虚进行掩饰,但没有看清所谓的“声明”文中没有两、三人签名,要知道上海武术界知名人士有好几百,而且文中没有半点反驳的实据,都是骂街的话。北京河北、上海孙的徒子徒孙都提出比武,可我去了,却一个不见!是啊,那位小陈多年后在惠灵顿一家中餐馆遇见,他立即起身喊老师,我虽然原谅了他,但不屑一顾。看来我的基督教博爱、原谅精神还不够哈,人生有这段经历也蛮有意思的。他们三人的江湖乱道,对我来说何尝不是一件好事?!不然我这个人心软,见不得长辈流眼泪,会一直给他寄钱,这下等与扔了一个包袱。阎龙昌的戴氏心意六合拳功夫在祁县算是数一数二的,与我其他几支的心意六合拳老师比,也算在中等的,但他不懂其他拳道,却认为都是假的。他说戴氏心意六合拳也可以推手,他在祁县无人能胜他。于是发生了一些尴尬的事情。在奥克兰有位曾在台湾获得东南亚推手冠军的黄性贤的大弟子、太极教授葉神恩先生,经常在东南亚及欧洲各国举办讲学活动,一天听说葉先生回到奥克兰,而我与阎龙昌及一位原上海中山医院的朋友正好在奥克兰,就去拜访葉教授。阎提出与葉切磋交流推手,用他的戴氏心意六合拳推手,未料差点失势被丢翻在地,当时葉教授有许多弟子在场。我也颇吃惊,觉得葉教授那个东南亚冠军不是虚名,也想体验一下,但葉先让他的助教、一位兼跆拳道教练的先生与我搭手,那位先生数度站不稳后,对他师父葉教授表示没有办法。于是葉教授上前与紫元搭起手来,他嘴上说听听劲,不会把我发得很远,却一动手就势如猛虎般扑来,紫元一个截劲,所谓后发先至,葉倒退数步后更疯狂扑来。 紫元只好提起精神,四两拨千斤,彼扑空倒地,本想到此为止,未料他起身速度极快,又扑过来,紫元只得一掌将其双脚腾空击起,坐到在一米多后的凳子上,葉才不再起身扑来。葉教授毕竟是教授,挥手让起弟子上茶,很有风度。令紫元觉得太冒失、失礼了。此后起几位弟子不断来惠灵顿拜访紫元学习…。
不过这些年小陳大概有悔过,有次在饭店里相遇他主动站起来打招呼,走时又特意过来道别。人非圣人,孰能无过?在利益面前有几个不出卖自己良心的?我也早原谅了阎龙昌、陳鼎文,甚至还有那个劣迹斑斑、满口谎言的“JON DYER"(阎龙昌给他取中文名为“戴志强”)。鉴于小陳的文章还在网上流传,而本人相关的文章原在新浪博客里,因新浪博客被当局封了,故在转来此处。
附 小陈十年前的“吾师颜紫元”一文:
可是也許是我年少輕狂及不服輸的個性使然,雖明知顏師武功在我百倍之上,卻總想找机會試他一試,終承蒙顏 師不棄,得以如愿以償。在此先言明一下,由于我擅長的是擒拿摔打,其講求貼身靠打及“當場不讓步,手下不留情”,加上我素知顏師精擅心意六合拳及太极,而顏師亦于盤手前言明可以讓我以各种手法全力進攻,是以在盤手之時,我未存絲毫相讓之心。誰知方一搭手,我已立足不穩,莫說是進攻,欲防守也已不能,一場盤手下來,不是重心被踩而摔跌,就是被顏師以拋勁打飛出去,至此,我才真正拜見了吳式太极的精妙并下定決心無論如何也要拜顏師為師,學習吳式太极拳和心意六合拳。
97年顏師在Nelson与學生表演推手。觀眾中有一位合气道五段高手覺得不相信,問顏師可否讓他試上一試,顏師說:“可”。于是那位合气道高手便由觀眾席躍上台來,擺出架勢,而顏師乃靜立,待其進攻,待雙方一盤上手,那合气道高手一翻掌,刁住了顏師的手,便施了一個小手翻腕摔,想將顏師摔倒,誰知顏師不閃不避,反而順其翻拿之勢,以一式“野馬分鬃”,牽其重心外移,另一手向其脅下輕輕一拍,那人就飛出去了。那合气道高手飛出去之后仍不服,要求再試,這次他不敢 貿然輕進,于是顏師伸手一招,誘他來擒,其果然中計,搭著顏師的手就是一個“一教”(抓手擒臂),只見顏師身步微動,使了個“摟膝拗步”兩手一分,一掌蓋其面,一手折按其腰。將那合气道五段高手重重摔在地上,至此,那合气道高手方才折服,向顏師鞠了個躬后离開了。
又例如在1996年顏師因緣認識了一位來自德國的日本劍道四段高手剛好來惠靈頓教授,顏師見其刀法靈利,便興起了印証一下中國刀法与東洋刀法不同之處之念頭。在獲得對方同意之下,兩人手持竹劍對陣,那劍道高手要求顏師穿上護具,顏師只笑笑說,“沒有關系,你穿就好了。”那劍道高手見顏師如此气定神閑,也就不敢輕敵,甫一上手就一個箭步向顏師躍來, 一招凌厲的點腕刺喉已然攻至,誰知顏師微向后寸一步,一個龍折身,以擰身之勢捋過來劍,連化帶削,順勢粘杆身躦步踐,疾如閃電,直削其頸,不待其回防,一個龍調膀又攔砍其腰加刺其心,這几下兔起鶻落,在煞那間老師的竹刀已然抵著那劍道高手的心口,使那劍道四段高手不得不嘆服中國刀法之精妙。
又例如有一次,有位練泰拳的洋人朋友名叫Daniel Brooks,曾獲得紐西蘭泰國拳公開賽冠軍,1997年在泰國受訓后又赴香港參加泰拳比賽,并獲冠軍。此人經由顏師一位洋人學生John Dye的介紹,想親自向顏師討教一番。于是一日借著顏師在給John上私人課之便,那位泰拳好手帶著他的日籍女友親自到顏師診所拜訪,并要求試手。顏師見此人人高馬大,且來勢洶洶,又听John介紹說,此人如何厲害,曾得過港、紐冠軍云云……。顏師一時摸不准對方根底,于是便讓John与其先試手,以觀其虛實(此亦為顏師斗智不斗力之寫照)。待顏師摸透其路數,便對那泰拳好手說:“來,來”,于是兩人便拉開架勢,任憑那泰拳好手左右騰挪,顏師只側身靜待其攻,突然只見那泰拳好手身形一閃,做了個左右騰挪換腿,一記漂亮且威猛的旋提已然向顏師下盤掃到,誰知顏師竟不避不讓,在來腿尚未攻到之前,踐前一步,一個虎扑雙把,已按在那泰拳好手身上,這一下后發先至,出其不意,以迅雷不及掩耳之勢,使那位泰拳好手尚未有能力反應之前人已被顏師打飛,背部重重的跌撞在牆壁上,顏師這一下發的是拋勁,是以那泰拳好手雖被打飛,卻未曾受傷,待那泰拳好手起身之后,仍頗不服气,而要求再試,這一次那泰拳好手不敢再貿然輕進,僅左右跳躍,并不時以直拳向顏師面上進攻,但見顏師身形一閃,略一折身,束身直進,一個挑翎,使其所出直拳之臂已發麻,門戶大開,同時一個刮 地風,已然擱上了其小腿脛骨,饒是那泰拳好手脛骨堅硬,這一下也站不住,而抱腿蹲了下去,而顏師打人如走路,又如親嘴,身步直逼其中門,一個熊形單把已然向其頭頂拍落,總算顏師無意傷那泰拳好手,這一個單把未曾拍實,僅停留在泰拳好手頭頂上寸許之處。經過這番比試,那泰拳好手方才畏服,顏師此時有意讓其見識中國武術之精妙之處,便對他說:“你們泰拳不是很擅長以手抱人頭加以膝擊嗎?現在我讓你抱著我的頭來試試,看看你能不能踢著我。”那位泰拳好手一听,心想哪有這等便宜事,于是便扑上去,以兩手按住顏師頭頸部,腰一扭,便以右膝朝顏師面部狠狠撞來,說是遲那時快,顏師一感到來人身体微動,不待那膝擊到來,身一偏,一個“提手上勢”加一個折身,就將來人重重摔在地板上(由此亦可略窺顏師功力之深以及其靈敏度之高),那位泰拳好手在連試四五次均被顏師摔在地上之后,不禁大為佩服,并表示非常希望能學中國功夫,于是顏師便熱忱邀請他到顏師所開設的武館學習,可惜也許是那泰拳好手覺得不好意思,后來卻轉到另一個武館學習詠春而未能向顏師學習,實在可惜。
另有一位新西蘭 柔道專家Robert Pointon,教授柔道近三十年,在柔道界頗有名气,也練楊式太极拳十多年,慕名來找顏師切磋推手,搭手后他連續跌出,于是提出是否可用他拿手的柔道來摔,顏師說完全可以,這下他跌得更慘,試了几次都重重被摔在地上,也不見顏師怎樣用力,于是心悅誠服的隨顏師學吳式太极拳,并于九七年底特去上海拜見師祖馬公岳梁先生。
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Preface: Excerpt from Clearing the Mist of Misconceptions and Falsities of the History of Chinese martial arts,
Preface: Excerpt from Clearing the Mist of Misconceptions and
Falsities of the History of Chinese martial arts,
written by Yan Ziyuan (Dr Stephen Yan)
Original Yan Ziyuan Authentic martial arts Yan Ziyuan
Wellington New Zealand, 2018-01-11
I have been yearning to learn martial arts since I was a child. This has to do
with my mother’s love of telling stories such as “Heroes of Sui and Tang
Dynasties”, “Seven Heroes and Five Righteousness” and “Liang Shanbo
Heroes”. At night, my mother was often surrounded by a group of teenagers
from our neighborhood listening to the tales she told, so naturally I was
influenced by them. I have looked up to and respected those heroes since I
was young, hoping to have the same ability as them one day.
When I was 13 years old, my obsession with martial arts began. Over the
coming years I learned boxing from Master Du Baokun, a disciple of Tong
Zhongyi. Later, I learned Mi Zong style from Master Lu Zhenduo and his son
Lu Jun Hai including the Qingping sword. Continuing my martial arts journey, I
learned Dahong boxing, Luohan boxing, Shuai Jiao (Chinese wrestling) and
Zhang Enqing’s CuoJiao from Master Li Chunxing. I studied with Master Tang
Jingyuan, learning Huang Yin’s E Mei martial arts. At that time, I also learned
Xing Yi Quan and Ba Gua Zhang. I was also very fortunate to become a
disciple of Master Zhu Yunfei (Who is Xie Yingzhai’s first disciple) to learn
“Twelve segments of the original Yi Jin Jing” from the Bodhidharma, “Tie Dang
Gong” and other internal skills.
In 1981, I was accepted into the Medical College of Fudan University
(formerly Shanghai First Medical College). When I was studying in the
Medical Department, I signed up to join the “Kuaijia” Class, which was taught
by Master Ma Yue Liang, the great master of Wu’s Taiji generation in the
“Wantiguan” in Shanghai. Since then, I have forged an indissoluble bond with
Grandmasters Mr. and Mrs. Ma (who are both recognized as “National Living
Treasure”) until my last farewell in Shanghai in 1996. A few years ago, I wrote
“Journey of Wu’s Tai Chi”, which recalled in detail the learning process with
Master Ma and his wife. During this period, I learned the “TaiJi Gong-- Yin
Yang 24 Segments” handed down by Song Shuming. As much of the art was
lost in mainland China, I went to Hong Kong to retrieve the missing pieces by
studying with Master Cheng Tin Hung, the founder of Hong Kong TaiJi Quan
In 1984 I met Master Ji Jing San, famous for his combative martial arts skills
and successor of Xinyi Liuhe Boxing (a branch of Tang Wanyi branch). Master
Ji is also well known for his Drunken Eight Immortals style. This was the
beginning of me giving up Xingyi quan and beginning my journey of Xinyi
Liuhe boxing with Master Ji, whom I studied with daily.In October 1987,
Master Ji Jing San who was 80 years old but still strong, suddenly died of
cerebral hemorrhage, which had a great impact on my life, deeply saddening
me for a long time. Later, Master Ji’s friend, Li Zun Si, a Grandmaster of Xinyi
Liuhe boxing, a successor from the Li Haisheng branch, asked me if I wanted
to continue learning Xinyi Liuhe boxing with him, which rekindled my passion
in the Luihe boxing.
In the 1990s, I was obsessed with Xinyi Liuhe Boxing. Due to the conservative
teachings of Xinyi Liuhe Boxing, it is very potent, and it is said that even
learning a fraction of the Xinyi one can become a great master. Therefore,
from the very early days, each master only learnt a branch of the original
complete Xingyi Luihu boxing. However, I was not satisfied with one branch
and wanted to learn the whole tree. I wanted to know more about its origin
and development, including the technical components and the history. In order
to do so, I searched for and tracked down the top lineage holders of the
different branches of Xinyi Liuhe boxing. I went to Wang Shu Wen (Lu Song
Gao’s disciple), Yan Long Chang (Yue Gui Ning’s disciple), Ma Hong Xian (Jin
Hei Yan’s disciple) and Bai Wen Yi (Yang Xiang Lin’s disciple) to learn the
different branches of Xinyi Liuhe boxing, becoming a disciple of each master.
During this period, I also received the guidance and instruction from Xinyi
Liuhe Masters Zhang Zhao Yuan, Lu Shao Jun (son of Lu Song Gao), Ma Gui
Long, Li Qing Shan, Su Xun Zhao (son of Su Chuan Wen), Shi Yao Zu, Mai
Gui Sheng (great grandson of Mai Zhuang Tu), Yang Shi Jie, Ni De Sheng, Ni
De Fu, Shui Pu Ci, Lü Hong Yang and Yue Jian Zu (son of Yue Gui Ning).
After moving to New Zealand in 1988 I invited Master Ma De, the “Northwest
staff king”, to New Zealand to teach the Wu Yin Qi Shou thirteen methods of
the Bian Gan, Pipa Tiao Zi and Feng Mo staff. I also invited Master Bai Yan
Ying, the daughter of Master Bai Rui Cai, to New Zealand to exchange martial
arts skills and use my “Liuhe Fangtianji” in exchange for learning her complete
“Six sets of Fangtianji” which was passed down from Master Liu De Quan.
Later, in the process of searching for the lineage holders of the famous Li Er
nicknamed “Long Spear Li” of the early Ming Dynasty, I fortuitously came
across some information about Li Cun Hu and Li Cun Hai’s lineage
successors. Li Cun Hu and Li Cun Hai of Anyang, Northern Henan Provence,
were the early disciples of Grandmaster Ji Long Feng - Founder of XinYi
Liuhe Boxing. They passed down the Shi Er Da Si Xinyi Liuhe Boxing and Yi
Jin Jing Guan Qi Jue.
I searched for and found the lineage successors, Master Zhao and Master
Zhang whom I studied with - and I also exchanged skills with Master Liu Jun
Jie of this style.
Without my extensive journey of studying from many XinYi Luihe masters, I
would have been like a blind man touching an elephant – never seeing the
whole picture. The expansiveness and intricacy of Xinyi Liuhe boxing is likely
the reason why there was no complete history of Xinyi Liuhe boxing in the
At the beginning of this century, I searched far and wide, eventually finding
Master Liu Hong Jun, the disciple of Ren Zhicheng - master of Yin Yang Ba
Pan Zhang. Over seven years, I finally got all the unarmed forms and
weapons of Yin Yang Ba Pan Zhang. Because of its profound and original
nature, I replaced my existing Ba Gua Zhang training with Yin Yang Ba Pan
I have also visited Jiyuan at the foot of Taihang Mountain in Henan several
times to investigate the scriptures known as “Shenquan Pu”. I exchanged
views, historical information and techniques with Jiao You, Jiu Tong Biao, Jiu
Xiao Lang and other successors of “Shenquan boxing” and discussed the
historical origin of “Shenquan Pu” with Master Yuan You Guang and Miao Bu
In Jiaozuo, I met with Master Xu Wei Zhan, a successor of the Xu Family, who
were the lineage holders for the Tongbei boxing, taught in a direct line from
the founder Master Dong Cheng. We discussed the boxing theory and
historical origin of Tongbei boxing which was pivotal to my understanding of
martial arts history.
In search of Wu Guang’s successor who was another early disciple of Ji Long
Feng, the founder of Xingyi Liuhu boxing, I went to the Taihang mountain
where I met Mr. Wang in Liyi town of Lingchuan County near Jincheng. He
told me that their boxing was called “Ba”, not “Quan”, that is, “Xinyi Liuhe Ba”,
not “Xinyi Liuhe Quan”. But the last successor had passed away a few years
ago. Mr. Wang only knew a few incomplete practices and the branch was
basically lost. Some of the original scriptures were handed down to Yishan as
early as the Kangqian Period in Qing dynasty. Yishan also collected other
martial arts scriptures, eventually compiling them together to create ‘Yishan
100 years after the Kangqian Period, in the first year of Emperor Xianfeng
(1831 – 1861) Yishan Wulun was copied and sold under three different names
with varying dates: Yishan Wulun, E Wang Wulun and Quanlun.
In 2008, with the help of Mr. Xu Wei Zhan, the successor of Tongbei boxing, I
found the most important teacher in my martial arts career: Master Li Zheng
Fu, the only successor of Dong’s Liuhe Qiang –- big spear (also known as
“Wangbao Qiang”). I was lucky to be accepted as a disciple of Master Li
Zheng Fu. I visited Master Li several times to deeper learn Liuhe Da Qiang.
Regardless of his old age, Master Li came to New Zealand twice (staying six
months each time) to pass on Liuhe Da Qiang and Liuhe broad sword skills.
This spear and broad sword had been handed down to master Li over three
generations - from his grandfather, to his father and finally him. Being a very
pure lineage, and with diligent practice, his skills were superb. The Li family
only practiced spear, and occasionally the broad sword, they did not practice
open fist or other weapons.
I was extremely surprised to find that the spear scripture recorded in the
Sheng Quan Pu Scripture of Ji Yuan were the same as the Xiao Shi Shou and
the Da Shi Shou of Dong’s Liuhe Qiang. Moreover, the body methods,
footwork, main techniques and theory of all branches of Xinyi Liuhe boxing all
originated from this Dong’s Liuhe spear system, however some Gun Shen
techniques are from Dong’s Liuhe broad sword.
There is a saying in this Spear history: “Diu Qiang Ji Wei Chui”, drop the
spear, become open handed boxing (The meaning is that the spear
techniques taught double as very effective fist techniques). The saying “Diu
Qiang Ji Wei Chui” is consistent with the history of “Ji Long Feng turns a
Spear into a fist”, or Ji Long Feng created Xinyi Liuhe boxing by following this
saying of “Diu Qiang Ji Wei Chui”.
In Wangbao village, the “Wangbao Spear Scripture”, was found to have
additional chapters including “Liuhe broad sword Scripture” and “Xinyi Liuhe
boxing Scripture”. In the “Wang Bao Spear Scripture” of Tang Village, which is
next to the Wang Bao Village, “Xin Yi Tang” is also written on the cover. The
Taiji Palace of Qianzai Temple beside Tang village also has a secret Scripture
called Wujing Xuanji Mielu. In this scripture the word “Ba” is used instead of
“Quan”. There are some special names of techniques identical to Xinyi Liuhe
boxing, such as “Xiong Chu Dong,” “Lei Shen” etc. which are not used in any
other styles. This scripture is older than Ji Long Feng’s “Xinyi Liuhe Scripture”.
At the same time, Ji Long Feng was mistakenly described as a “Linchuan
person” or “Niujiaochuan person” in the “Yishan Wulun”.
Not far away from the Taiji palace there is a county called Zezhou county,
(neighboring the Lingchuan county). There is a mountain in the Taihang
mountain ranges, where the counties are located, which is called Linchuan
mountain, that is where Ji Long Feng learned the spear from the Great Daoist
Master Dong Bing Qian.
Jiyuan, Boai(Henei), Wuzhi, Qinyang and Wenxian are counties which
together are commonly known as Niujiaochuan.
Lingchuan, Linchuan and Niujiaochuan , those 3 places are all close to each
Not far north of Lingchuan county is Ji Long Fen’s hometown, Zun village in
Pu Zhou district (I have been there several times for research).
From Shanxi province to Luoyang city and Dengfeng county in Henan, one
must pass through Niujiaochuan. In ancient times it was the main route from
Shanxi to Henan and remains a route today. From Niujiaochuan to Taihang
Mountain, through Jincheng, all the way to Pingyao, Qixian county (Dai Long
Bang’s hometown) and Wenshui County.
Not only in the Pingyao and Qixian counties are there different branches of
Xinyi Liuhe boxing and scriptures, but also in the Wenshui County. I found that
the Tongbei scripture of Wenshui County (introduced from late Ming and early
Qing Dynasty) was much earlier than Hongdong Tongbei (introduced from
Guo Yongfu of “Niujiaochuan” in Qianlong of Qing Dynasty).
In the Tongbei scripture of Wenshui County I was amazed to find “Ji Longfen’s
Spear Scripture ! and complete “Ten Methods Summary of Xinyi Liuhe Boxing
Theory” and its preface.
Because of these findings, over the years I have written three articles to
illustrate the importance of “Niujiaochuan” in the history of Chinese martial
arts: “Niujiaochuan - The Birthplace of Neijiaquan”, “The inner ring and outer
ring of Niujiaochuan”, and “The majority of Chinese Martial Arts originate from
Huaiqing Fu”.
My whole life, I have searched for the origin of Chinese martial arts. I became
a disciple of Master Jia Bo Sheng of Yanshan county to learn the Qingping
sword. The Qingping sword teachings passed down by Master Jia are the
original Qingping sword methods. The style of the scripture writing is very
similar to Dong’s Liuhe’s Spear. I gave up the Qingping sword passed down
from Yang Kunshan, which I learned in Shanghai, to dedicate myself to
Master Jia’s Qingping sword teachings.
In order to pursue the original Zui Ba Xian boxing and Zui Xian Jian, I went all
the way to Tong An area in Xiamen, in Fujian Province. There I met Master
Ye, the master and successor of Zui Jian martial arts.
I also visited Raoyang, Hebei Province, where I met Mr Yin Jun Yan, a disciple
of Niu Han Zhang, to investigate his Zui Ba Xian boxing and Zui Xian Jian.
Later I invited Mr. Yin to my hometown Shanghai.
Then I went to Shexian and Yixian counties of ancient Huizhou at the foot of
Huangshan Mountain to search for the successor of Southern Shaolin Temple
from the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty and successor of Chen
Songquan and Zhang Heng Qiu, who passed down the 8 drunken immortal
Finally, I went to the ice and snow in the northeast China, where I met Master.
Zhang Zhao Jun, a hermit who lived in seclusion in Benxi. He was a lineage
holder and had studied the original 8 Drunken Immortals’ fist and sword
founded by the Wuxuan Daoist during the Wanli period of the Ming dynasty.
From the decades of detailed, attentive study to the history of Chinese martial
arts, the collection and understanding of various martial arts skills and styles
and scriptures, along with in-depth study and mastery of the original and real
martial arts and the complete system of internal skills, such as “ Dong’s Liuhe
spear and broad sword”, “Taiji shi san shi soft hand”, Xingyi LiuHe Quan, “Yin
Yang Ba Pan Zhang”, “Yi Jin Jing”, “Jia’s Qingping sword”, “Wu Xuan Zui Ba
Xian Quan and sword”, I have come to deep realization how the martial arts
history and techniques in China have evolved over the centuries.
Through my endeavors I have found the modern styles have greatly deviated
from the original source! Excited and moved, I wrote an article “the main pulse
of the history of Chinese martial arts is clear” to express my feelings at that
Furthermore, I started drafting “Chinese martial arts history and clarification of
falsities”, which is divided into three volumes.
I wish to express and share my findings, treasures and achievements that I
have collected over the past decades not only to fulfil my destiny, but also to
pay respect to my teachers, express my love of martial arts, and add my
contribution to Chinese martial arts.
I have spent half of my life dedicated to studying, researching and clarifying
the history and theory, to master the skills and techniques and to preserve the
essence of martial arts culture. This essence of martial arts culture has
evolved and developed on the sediment of thousands of years of Chinese
culture, which has sprouted, grown and established into its own culture with
the Spirit, Soul and memory of the Chinese people. If this culture was to
disappear, it could not be revived. At the time, seeing this unrevivable culture
disappearing before my eyes, which I am deeply a part of, I felt despair. I felt
an obligation and deep inner calling to dedicate my life to save and preserve
the true essence of the culture. Predecessors said that when culture is dead,
the country is dead, but if the seed of the culture remains, the country can be
regenerated, as in the case of Jewish culture and the revival of Israel. So,
preserving a nation’s culture is more important than a country. I am proud that
I can devote myself to the rescue and preservation of these cultural seeds.
I am determined to devote the rest of my life sharing the culture of Chinese
martial arts. In the past years, I have compiled and published several books.
In 2000, I won the champion in the “China’s first Xinyi Liuhe boxing
competition”. I have also proved what I have learned by comparing skills with
many famous Chinese and foreign experts, and also cultivated David Stella
who won the 80kg Sanda Championship in New Zealand and Geoff Henson
who won the New Zealand National Wushu competition routine and the 60kg
Sanda double champion. But that’s just for the accumulation of experience
and my true teachings have not properly started.
Although there are many differences between my childhood dream of
becoming a martial hero and my parents’ hope that I can achieve something
in the field of medicine, I have done and still do what I love in my life and find
meaning in.
I hope that Chinese martial arts lovers, experts and scholars will further
advise me so that I can improve my understanding and make continuous
progress. Through collaborative academic research, debating and practical
exchange of techniques we can make the true spirit of the Chinese martial
arts re-emerge and shine brightly once more. This light of our efforts will
hopefully help reshape the moral character and backbone of the Chinese
nation. I hope my efforts lend a hand to this cause.
For this cause, the hardship of “cutting through the thorns”, the effort of
energy and financial resources spent, the torment of thinking night and day,
as well as the unremitting and persistent hard practice has its real
Picture 1
Dong’s Liuhe spear performed by Yan Zi Yuan
Picture 2
Yin Yang Ba Pan Zhang
Picture 3
Zhang Sanfeng’s Original Thirteen Soft Hand (also known as
“Neizhuanxiaojia”, later known as “Wu’s kuaijia”)
Picture 4
Yan Zi Yuan’s disciples practice waijia boxing
Picture 5
Xinyi Liuhe Boxing
Picture 6
“Wu’s kuaijia”
Picture 7
“Wu’s kuaijia”(photo taken in 2014)
Picture 8
Xinyi Liuhe “Chicken Claw sword and sickle ”
Picture 9
In the Australian and New Zealand Sanda Competitions, Yan Zi Yuan disciple
Dave Stella (red side) defeated the Thai Champion from Australia and won
the 80kg Champion.
Picture 10
Dong’s Liuhe spear
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